Bill Dillmeier
Number Whisperer

Bill Dillmeier helps companies raise money, overcome obstacles and accelerate growth. With over a decade of experience in SaaS startups (Series A-C and Unicorn), he specializes in transforming financial data into actionable strategies, optimizing revenue channels, and scaling operations to meet the demands of high-growth companies.

With a proven track record as a trusted advisor to sales, marketing, and customer success teams, Bill bridges his financial expertise with operational execution to drive company-wide success. His experience in cash flow optimization, capital raising, and GTM strategy alignment ensures businesses are financially structured for sustainable growth. Additionally, Bill provides data-driven financial insights through detailed performance analyses and executive reporting, empowering leadership teams and boards with the clarity to make informed strategic decisions.

Whether preparing for funding, building / refining go-to-market strategies, or wanting to drive financial performance, Bill delivers the insights and leadership startups need to achieve lasting success.